Gatefall Chapter One: Fantasy vs. Post-Apocalyptic
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Gatefall Chapter One pledge includes: one copy of Gatefall and the two Kickstarter-exclusive characters, Seline and Piggy

Gatefall is a strategic miniatures game of tactics, deck building, and resource management created by Jack Dire, the creator of Superfight, Red Flags, Blank Marry Kill, and You've Got Problems.
In the game, a rift has opened between worlds, causing a war between very different kinds of characters.
Players will take control of either the fantasy or post-apocalyptic team, and will use action points to move their figures and defeat enemy characters for victory points. Characters respawn when they are defeated, and can even "tag in" a new character from the same team (like one of the Kickstarter exclusive characters) while respawning.
A two player game will take around 60-90 minutes.
The game board is modular, which will allow you to play with 3 or more players (with the purchase of a pack of differently-shaped rift boards), and will allow future expansion teams to fight these original two teams. The image below shows these rift boards, as well as the board for Chapter Two's sci-fi team. Spoiler.

A currently-highly-experimental arena mode is also being developed to allow three or more players to fight with one character in a battle royale setting.

The figures in Gatefall are enormous, making them a ton of fun to play with, paint, and look at. Penny is roughly the size of a moose in a typical D&D scale.

Each character has a unique passive ability they can use immediately, AND a unique special ability that they can unlock.

Characters can be customized with unique upgrade paths to let you boost what you need when you need it.

Gatefall is great for all kinds of different play styles. You can streamline your deck to beat your opponent with the number of actions you have available, upgrade your characters to move less but hit harder and smarter, equip them with weapons that boost abilities beyond upgrades, or a combination of any and all strategies.

Backers will receive TWO EXCLUSIVE FIGURES with their orders: Seline the sorcereress for the Fantasy team, and Piggy for the Wasteland team.

Click here to view the current rulebook!

Backers will receive one copy of Gatefall AND the TWO EXCLUSIVE KICKSTARTER CHARACTERS, Seline and Piggy.
Gatefall is a strategic miniatures game of tactics, deck building, and resource management.
In the game, a rift has opened between worlds, causing a war between very different kinds of characters.
The base game mode is designed for two players to fight head-to-head. Arena mode lets 2-8 players fight one another in a battle royale setting.
In a two player game, players choose which team to control, the fantasy team consisting of Brog, Gildri, and Randar, or the Wasteland team consisting of Exile, Firebug, Penny, and Lost Boy.
At the beginning of the game, each player has the same deck of ten cards, which contain seven “1” cards and three “0”cards. The first player draws five cards, and adds the total of their values. That number represents the number of actions the player can use for their team. Actions can be moving one space or attacking. These actions can be spread across the entire team, or used by only one character, depending on a character’s traits.
During an attack, the attacking player rolls the number of dice equivalent to the attacking character’s attack stat. The defending player rolls the number of dice equal to the defending character’s defense dice. The number of reds rolled are added up, and the defender takes damage equal to the number of reds the attacking character rolls above the total of their defending roll.
Each player then adds up the number of green dice they rolled, and earns one coin for each green die.
Coins are saved up and used to buy new weapons from the weapon marketplace, to destroy “zero” cards in their hands, to purchase better cards from the main deck, or upgrade their individual character stats.
Each character has an upgrade shop. Players can choose any of the available stats to upgrade in any order for any of their characters, and spend the appropriate amount of tokens to get those upgrades. When a character is fully upgraded, that character unlocks their special power, which is unique for each character.
When a character is killed, the player who killed that character earns the number of victory points printed on the character’s upgrade shop card, and the player whose character was killed draws a “zero” card from the “zeroes” pile for every victory point listed on the killed character’s upgrade shop card and adds it to their discard pile. The killed character respawns in their base immediately, but that character cannot move or attack on their next turn, and effectively loses a turn while respawning.
The first player to reach ten victory points wins the game.